Title: Fairy Tale & Folklore Retellings
Time: Thu 07:00 pm | Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin (Length:1 Hour) |
Description: Fairy tales & folklore provide a rich base from which to draw story ideas. Taking this well of inspiration one step further, our panel of authors have put their own spin on well-known & beloved tales.Panelists: K.T. Hanna, K. N. Lee, Bethany DJ Kesler, Erika Lance, Marx Pyle, Alison TracyTitle: Sweet Tooth: Fan Discussion Panel
Time: Fri 01:00 pm | Location: Chastain H Westin (Length:1 Hour) |
Description: Sweet Tooth is a charming, poignant tale of hope & survival in a post-apocalyptic world where human-animal hybrid children navigate the complexities of friendship, family, & a changing society. Join us as our panelists discuss the incredible last season of this DC Comics / Netflix collaboration.Panelists: Deborah Ulmer(M), Robyn McGlotten, K. N. Lee, S. M. StirlingTitle: Inclusive Writing in the Post-Apocalyptic Genre
Time: Sat 02:30 pm | Location: Chastain F-G Westin (Length:1 Hour) |
Description: Apocalyptic media has increasingly become a showcase for characters who might otherwise be marginalized. Recent years have seen great breakthroughs in writing in the post-apoc genre. In the face of zombies, disease, or disaster, the things that divide us matter far less than our ultimate survival.Panelists: Birma Gainor(M), Samantha Heuwagen, K. N. Lee, Tao Wong, Allison RentzTitle: Creative Juggling: Women’s Guide to Balancing Art & Life
Time: Sat 04:00 pm | Location: Hanover AB Hyatt (Length:1 Hour) |
Description: Dive into the whirlwind world of women who do it all – creating, working, and nurturing without missing a beat. This empowering panel is your guide to thriving in the arts while juggling life’s many roles.Panelists: Isabelle Hardesty, Violette L Meier(M), Andrea Stewart, K. N. Lee, R. E. Carr, Seressia GlassTitle: The State of Black Science Fiction: A New Perspective
Time: Sat 07:00 pm | Location: Embassy AB Hyatt (Length:1 Hour) |
Description: As a followup to last year’s panel, new voices speak on the state of the art for authors and fans.Panelists: Milton J. Davis(M), Violette L Meier, Dedren Snead, M. Haynes, Glenn Parris, K. N. LeeTitle: Some Like It Hot: New Adult Lit
Time: Sat 10:00 pm | Location: A707 Marriott (Length:1 Hour) |
Description: Stop trying to make New Adult happen! Just kidding, we love it. Do you like reading about older young adults? So do we!Panelists: K. N. Lee, Stacey Rourke, Kaitlin Bevis, Jess Lyles(M), J.D. MonroeTitle: Dragons of Pern: Compare and Contrast with Other Dragons
Time: Sun 10:00 am | Location: Embassy AB Hyatt (Length:1 Hour) |
Description: We compare and contrast dragons from Pern and other places. How are they the same, and how are they different?Panelists: Todd J McCaffrey, Joelle Presby, Richard Fierce, Jody Lynn Nye(M), K. N. LeeTitle: The Planet of the Apes Universe – Fan Discussion Panel
Time: Sun 11:30 am | Location: Chastain H Westin (Length:1 Hour) |
Description: The Planet of the Apes universe is a captivating exploration of a dystopian future where apes reign supreme, challenging our perceptions of society, evolution, & the human condition. Join in as our panelists discuss the classic films, as well as the new release, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.Panelists: Michael Frost(M), Paige Wolf, Rex Howard, K. N. Lee, Thomas Parham, Thomas MarianiTitle: Diversity Track Group Signing – Women in Speculative Fiction
Time: Sun 01:00 pm | Location: Overlook Westin (Length:1 Hour) |
Panelists: Seressia Glass, L. Marie Wood, Christine H. Taylor-Butler, Andrea Stewart, Anne Schlea, K. N. LeeTitle: A Heady Mix: Magic & Academia in Books & Media
Time: Mon 01:00 pm | Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin (Length:1 Hour) |
Description: Our panel will take a close look at the fascinating & very popular Dark Academia literary subgenre, focusing on those examples that feature magic practitioners of various types operating within schools, libraries, & other academic institutions.Panelists: Valerie Dawn Hampton, Darrell Z. Grizzle, JM Paquette, K. N. Lee, Mari Mancusi, John G. Hartness