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Let’s talk about sequels. Do you think it’s important for an author to make each shine on its own in an effort to engage readers who may discover the books out of order?

I think it’s important to balance progressing the plot with character development in a way that would make sense to a new reader. How can you write the sequel with just enough backstory without bogging it down with exposition? This should be a question you ask yourself with each book in the series.

I read Stone of Tears (Book 2) before Wizard’s First Rule (Book 1). This was a time when there were book clubs that your joined by filling out a postcard. I was in the fifth grade and was just excited to receive a giant box of books. I dug right in to Stone of Tears and didn’t even realize it was book two in the series until years later when I made it to a book store. Nonetheless, never took away from my engagement with the story. Of course some of the characters and their backstory was a mystery, but it was done in a way that didn’t detract from the plot.

With my Dragon-Born Saga, I make sure to add just enough references to what occurred in the past, along with character dialogue and inner monologues that keep the reader up to speed with what’s come to pass.

Have you ever picked up a book and started the series out of order?

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