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My Incredible European Tour- The Azores

We wake up at 3:30am. I can’t sleep because I know in a few hours I’m going to a place I’ve always dreamed of. I remember seeing Anthony Bourdain go to the Azores and fall in love with the food, the land, and the people. There aren’t any rideshares, just friendly local taxi drivers. And again, we meet another Joao, and he offers to take us around the island. I’ve only been here a few hours, and I see why my soul has been calling for me to come here.

Traveling is such a source of healing and inspiration for me. My soul needs it to recharge. So I feel incredibly blessed to be in such a sacred place. The Azores has always been on my list of places I had to see. It’s magical.

This is how they do fresh caught fish in the Azores.

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